Friday, January 12, 2007

206 - with Links!

Lily Munster: Dead

1. Lily Munster: Dead
Yvonne De Carlo, best known as the TV wife of Herman Munster died of natural causes at the age of 84.


The french have an awesome satellite whose purpose is to search for planets orbiting other suns. Since these planets would be too distant to actually view them, the COROT satellite will measure patterns of light intensity coming from stars hoping that regular drops wiould indicate planets passing across the face of those stars.

Breaking News!

3. Breaking News!
Extra! Extra! Really fat cat gets stuck in doggie door!

'Creepy Crawlers

4. Creepy Crawlers
Send in pictures of the pests in your house, and What's That Bug will help identify them. They won't help you kill them however. Not even the notoriously disgusting House Centipede.


5. Experience
Bruce Campbell shilling for Old Spice. My favorite part is the sound of the leather chair when he stands up and is later reseated.


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