Saturday, September 23, 2006

095 - Re-use


1. Frugality
Dawn at Frugal for Life was nice enough to link to me today, so I'll return the favor (even though that eliminates her blog as a source from which to steal links.) I guess this is a good day to show off some ideas for being frugal.

Contracting Containers

2. Contracting Containers
Don't waste a lot of money on "real" shrinky-dinks. Just cut and draw on #6 plastic and put it in the oven for a few minutes. I've used this technique for making jewelry. Rough up one side with some fine steel-wool and you can try running the plastic sheets through your inkjet printer.

Paper Making

3. Paper Making
This isn't the exact method I use for handmaking paper, but it should work. It is a great use of all the junk mail and pre-approved credit card applications I get in the mail every freaking day.

Screen Saver

4. Screen Saver
Why buy commercial screen protectors for your cell phones, mp3 players and cameras when you already have the ingredients for making your own at home; packing tape, soap and water.

Digital Delinquents

5. Digital Delinquents
Many convenience stores sell "disposable" digital cameras, both still and video. With a little hacking, these can become reusable. If you use a disposable 35mm camera, remember to remove the free AA batteries before turning it in for processing.



Dawn said...

Great links... I see more and more stuff on Etsy, I'm going to have to surf around it more when I have time.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes...paper making 101 with Linda Powell. Frick her!!

Christopher Clark said...

I never really understood what Linda Powell did. She was always taliking about being an "artist" and her "artform" was paper making.

I'd consider papermaking more of a craft than an art. She never really showed anyone her own work, so I couldn't figure out if she was doing something more significant than straight paper making, or if she was just pretentious. But I'm pretty sure she was just pretentious.