Monday, September 11, 2006

083 - with Links!


1. Super
This is a pretty long download, but you'll need to see the high resolution version of this TV advertisement to appreciate how awesome it is.

They all said that Austrailian dude was lucky, .


3. Pictograms
Thank the U.S. government for making it easier to create fake road signs.

How to do psychic billet reading just like Carnac the Magnificent.

Puppet Show

5. Puppet Show
Canadian web design firm, Dotboom has an online show about its most interesting employees.



JD said...

i thought for sure that superball commercial used digital effects.
then i looked up a 'making of' video and lo and behold...
pretty amazing.
on another note, is that factropolis site real at all?

Christopher Clark said...

They have a new commercial coming up. A series of exploding bags of paint will erupt all over the sides of a hi-rise building, thus covering it in rainbow of color. I've seen behind the scenes clips of the shoot, but not the finished product. I imagine it will be in slo-mo like the superballs.