Tuesday, February 20, 2007

245 - with Links!

Robert Adler: Dead

1. Robert Adler: Dead
World class electrical engineer and inventor of the television remote control, Robet Adler, died of heart failure Sunday at the age of 93. After a small memorial, Mr. Adler will be buried somewhere down the crack between your couch cushions.


2. Arachnovis
Ok geneticists, what happens if a four-legged duck mates with a six-legged sheep?

Single Camera Theory Blown to Hell

3. Single Camera Theory Blown to Hell
New footage of John Kennedy in Dallas just seconds before his famous assassination has surfaced. Conspiracy theorists around the world bought new magnifying glasses.

That's an Expensive Omelette

4. That's an Expensive Omelette
$420,000 worth of fossilized dinosaur eggs sold illegally to a collector in Florida to be returned to their rightful owner in China.

Rent and Copy

Rent and Copy
Online DVD renter, Inteliflix, in association with OfficeMax, apparently condone illegal copyright violation and dvd bootlegging.


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