Sunday, February 4, 2007

228 - Sunday

Michael Larsen

1. Church, Meet State
Instead of rewarding a high school junior who used tape recordings to prove that his history teacher was using class time to prostheletize about Fundamental Christianity, the Kearny High School Board decided to ban recording devices in its schools.

The Bible Says

2. The Bible Says
Religious satire or extreme homophobia? Survey says: possibly both!


3. Jesus
Still surviving over 2000 years later.

''Satanic' Ritual

4. 'Satanic' Ritual
I like how the author of this article about mutilated sheep, puts the words "Satan" and "Satanic" in quotes so only the diligent reader will be able to tell that there is absolutely no evidence of Satan worship involved in the case.

Victimless Crime

5. Victimless Crime
The state constitution of Massachusetts protects only Christian residents. It also expressly forbids speaking out against religion, specifically Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Thanks to Brent Rasmussen for bringing this to our attention.


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