374 - Psychology
1. Little Albert
2. Milgram
3. Social Norms
4. Stanford Prison
5. Asch Conformity
1. Little Albert
2. Milgram
3. Social Norms
4. Stanford Prison
5. Asch Conformity
Posted by
Christopher Clark
1. There Goes an Asshole
It is a well know fact that the only way to get over the trauma of having something stolen from you is to write a song about it. It helps a lot if you have security camera footage to go along with the music. |
2. Not My Teacher
Another female teacher had relations with a youngster. This story has a twist, though. The youngster in question was not one of her students. He was the teacher's 13 year old daughter's ex-boyfriend. |
3. Invisible
This so called "game" is actually some kind of scientific example of how the human brain and the personal computer can become one. |
4. Gigantoraptor
Recently discovered, giant, bird-like dinosaur fossils smashing science's currently held notions of how modern birds may have developed. |
5. Abduction
Novelty desk lamps across the country are convincing Americans to petition the government for the release of top secret UFO files. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: fossils, Hot For Teacher, music, ufos, video games
1. Digital
Build a one of a kind clock using this electronics kit from furni and if it is good, it might make it into their next commercial collection. |
2. Scratch
You always hear about how winning the lottery is unlucky. In most cases that idea is totally bunk. However, for this girl, winning only $500 actually did cause a couple of problems. |
3. Veggie
Win $20 by entering your best, easy to prepare, vegetarian recipe. The deadline is June 30th, only three days from now, so hurry up hippies! |
4. Dogs
I think there is something fishy going on with Nathan's Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest. In May, Takeru Kobayashi's record was broken by American Joey Chestnut, who ate 59.5 hot dogs in just 12 minutes. A couple of weeks later, it was reported that Kobayashi would probably be taking a sabbatical due to the death of his mother. Then, we hear that he will not be competing at all due to sudden arthritis of the jaw. Maybe I'm a cynic, but to me, these excuses sound phony. |
5. A Moment of Science
Rebecca of Skepchick, in honor of the death of Don Herbert, has posted an interesting youtube challenge. The point is to film yourself doing a Mr. Wizard-esque science experiment and post it for the world to see. P.S. the last frame of the video freezes on a pretty funny face. I've included it for you here. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
1. UFO
British airline pilot reports seeing a mile wide unidentified flying object. I don't understand how he could possibly estimate how big this thing was. Unless it was right next to something that he unequivocally knew the size of, then he has no reference to judge scale. In an on camera interview he seems to me to be an unreliable witness. I'm going to guess it was a reflection on the glass of the cockpit window. |
2. Three Robbers Shot
Apparently, the best way to get the police to come to you aid is to lie to them boldly. Does anyone in the legal profession know if this would be considered illegal. |
3. Monolith
I really like the design of this game. Even still, I only got to about level 15 before I moved on to other things. |
4. Micro Housing
I really like the idea of simplified living, but I think these homes, even though they are really cool, go a little bit too far. Also, how can the tiny LoftCube possibly be worth $55,000. |
5. Elwood
In the past when I've seen the winner of the annual world's ugliest dog contest, I thought, "Aww come on, he doesn't look that bad." this year I didn't think that at all. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: animals, architechture, law, ufos, video games
1. Dr. Heard
Dr. Heard may have lacked some of the showmanship of a Bill Nye but he amazes nevertheless. Notice that none of the audience members is anywhere near his demonstrations. That's for a good reason. |
2. Steve Spangler
It would seem that Steve Spangler's appeal would be broader than appearances on some local affiliate's morning show and the occasional (expensive) gig at a school or museum. I'd watch his show if he had one! Maybe he's doing well enough with his online store that he doesn't need the hassle of producing a weekly program. |
3. Robert Krampf
I did this demonstration with my students. The tension in the room as the kids wait for the water balloon to pop is palpable! When there's no big explosion of water and latex, I think the kids are a bit disappointed, but their curiosity is piqued nonetheless. |
4. Bill Nye the Sci-Fi Geek
What science day would be complete without Bill Nye...re-enacting one of his favorite scenes from what could be his favorite movie (for all I know.) |
5. Unemployed
Where did that carboy (big glass jug) go!? |
Posted by
1. Ha Ha Ha Ha
You can tell these jokes are funny because creepy Japanese children laugh at them. |
2. Sushi Express
I believe the footage stops when it does because one of the sushi chefs steals the camera. In related news, a rash of toy train themed restaurants has apparently been popping up around the Chicago area. I haven't been to one yet. But I'm going someday. |
3. Stolling Down the Avenue
A girl and her shadow play basketball.. Remember how Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. used to sing a duet of "Me and My Shadow?" There's no way anyone would get away with that today. |
4. Sensei Clean
A clean toilet brings good luck. (This message brought to you by the Japanese Bathroom Cleanser Manufacturers Association.) |
5. Do Not
Unlike our first link, in which four creepy Japanese girls allowed us to laugh, this video is about exactly the opposite. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Taking another day off. Deal with it.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
1. Peter, Bjorn & John
2. Grandaddy
3. Los Campesinos
4. Trevor Childs
5. M. Ward
I'm taking a break today. Just watch this.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
1. Masterbating with Banana Peel
At some point during the last year of daily posting, I accidentally misspelled the word "masturbating." This mistake has led a lot of perverts to this site via google searches. This guy, for instance. He might have got his idea from the Showtime series Weeds and decided to find out more about this particular self gratification technique. Coincidentally, I watched the Weeds episode mentioning bananaphilia on the very same day this guy did his search. |
2. Nude Animals "Fear Factor"
I'm not even sure why I assume this guy is a pervert. Animals are all naturally nude, right? Actually, looking at clothed animals could be considered more perverted than looking at nude ones. And he used the artistic term "nude" rather than the lowbrow "naked." Plus there isn't really anything prurient about Fear Factor. Still, I'm going with my gut. This guy's a freak. |
3. Masterbating under the Influence of Marijuana
I just want to make it clear that my belief that marijuana should be legalized has nothing to do with personal usage. I've never smoked any, so I can't really tell you how it might affect your batting practice. |
4. Male Prostitutes at Home Depot
I know you can buy a lot of stuff at Home Depot, but I think this is pushing the limits of even their inventory. |
5. Masterbating While Driving
This seems pretty normal. I'm sure most of us have done this so I won't even call this guy a pervert. I'm not sure why you would need to use the internet to find more information about it however. But I'm done judging. I'll just let your mother and George Putnam, outstanding news reporter, do it for me. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
1. Who Needs Law School?
Remember about a month ago when I told you about a guy that had his camcorder stolen so he posted the suspected thief's phone number in a youtube video? Remember I suggested that what he did was probably illegal? Yeah. Well, I was right. |
2. Speaking of Youtube
Somebody leaked some footage from the new Micheal Bay Transformers movie onto the internet. There's no audio, but seeing the transformations from robots to cars is pretty freaking impressive. |
3. Nodes
Another way to waste time at work when you are supposed to be making money for the capitalist pigs. |
4. Speaking of Capatalist Pigs
These capitalists are about to be really, really pissed. |
5. Google Street Fight
Have you been following the Google Streetview privacy rights issue? In case you don't know, Streetview is a new feature of Google Maps which allows you to zoom in through Google's satellite imagery, to see actual street level photographs of certain metropolitan areas, including pedestrians doing things they might not want posted on the internet. Not only street fights, but also crimes in progress, streetside hanky panky, smoking up, getting a ticket, and other things. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: law, movies, photography, technology, video games
1. Low Riders
When mayor of Delcambre, Louisianna, Carol Broussard, said "It's gotten way out of hand out here," he was absolutely right. Unfortunately, he was arguing for the wrong side of the issue. He was on the side that believes residents should receive penalties of up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for wearing pants which he deems to be "too saggy." |
2. Let's Be Friends
"Touching photos of unusual animal friendships." |
3. Baby Pac
The world's tiniest pacman is actually pretty playable due the the fact that there is only one ghost-monster. I didn't see any power pellets, however. Maybe they show up in later levels. |
4. Prowler at Best
This is shoddy journalism. Should a guy really be called a "burglar" when he didn't steal anything? He just came into your house in order to check out some porn on you high speed internet connection. Oh yeah, he's also naked except for his shoes and socks. |
5. You Fool
Despite what you think, and despite the extremely low video quality, Gilbert Gottfried is a really funny guy. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: animals, comedy, law, video games
1. Creation
I'm sure you already know about the big creationism-masked-as-science museum that opened recently in Kentucky. Did you know they were charging a $20 admission fee? To save you money, two atheists disguised themselves as believers to enter the museum and document a lot of the exhibits for the world to see. For free. |
2. Mistress of the Dark
And if that makes you think superstitious beliefs are out of control here in America, that's nothing. They are still killing vampires in Dubai. |
3. Aloha
Judging by the number of record albums I've seen at thrift stores and garage sales, there was once a very real interest in Hawaiian guitar in the United States. We don't hear it much anymore, so it might be a nice change of pace to sit back and listen to the dulcid sounds of the Steel Strings. |
4. Blur Spray
Before clicking this link, I want you to be aware that this technology does not exist. Someone wrote an article about inventions that they think would be cool and then a lot of other blogs and media outlets reported on it as if they were reality. Neither blurring sprays, nor electronic camera jamming id badges, are real. And, based on my admittedly limited knowledge of how cameras (both film and "electronic") work, I'm pretty sure neither one could ever actually be real. |
5. Instant Ice
On the other hand, here's some awesome technology that is real. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: All Request, atheism, celebrities, music, religion, skepticism, technology
1. The X-Coaster
A power outage left 12 people hanging upside down on a roller coaster in Arkansas. Thanks to the power of satellites, the internet, Google, and some bloggers from Scotland, you can almost see the exact spot where this occurred. |
2. Double Duty
A reader that noticed my obsession with the outbreak of young, hot female teachers accused of inappropriate relationships with their students sent this in. Though these two aren't that hot, there were two of them arrested at the same time. On the same day I received this link, I saw a report on CNN (or whatever) about another unrelated incident. Is there something in the water? I think someone could start a daily blog (if one doesn't exist already) on this subject, these arrests are happening so frequently now. |
3. Barrel Meet Scraper
Here's a list of "star" available for "partying" Chingy, Vanilla Ice, Cindy Margolis ie "the internet's most downloaded woman,"Steve-O, Traci Bingham and Ant? |
4. Where's Saint George When You Need Him?
The vicious Komodo Dragon really hasn't lived up to its reputation at a killer until earlier this month when it attacked and killed a young Indonesian boy. It is assumed it would have eaten the boy, but a fisherman, "who just happened to be the boy’s uncle." threw rocks at the dragon until it ran away. |
5. Toof Decay
After killing countless American dogs and cats, the Chinese are boldly denying rumors that their next target is America's teeth. |
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: All Request, animals, celebrities, death, Hot For Teacher