041 - Blue Etsy - with Links!
Vinyl messenger bag by Sugar Lust.
Two birds print by Alana Hennessey.
Vinyl messenger bag by Sugar Lust.
Two birds print by Alana Hennessey.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
I assume there is a sexual kink involved in seeing your favorite film actors playing dead bodies. If this seems hot to you, check out this guy's overly thorough index of actors and the movies in which they were dead. I prefer to see my least favorite actors.
Three Coca-Cola employees charged with stealing Coke's secret recipe and trying to sell it to Pepsi. In related news: Coke's secret recipe is available to anyone with an internet connection.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: botany, celebrities, death, DIY, food, music, technology
The Museum of Online Museums collects links to online exhibits of all types. From The Smithsonian all the way to The Museum of Early LCD Watches, it is all covered here.
Remember: Greeting cards can be framed and made into very nice pieces of wall art. Aaron and Ayumi Piland make awesome hand printed greeting cards using Japan's best selling, tiny, professional quality, home screenprinting kit, Print Gocco.
The BBC asked, PC Magazine publisher, Guy Kewney to do an on-air interview. Guy Goma was just waiting for a job interview. Someone mixed up the names and put the wrong Guy on the air live.
Comedic journalism from a guy just about to go in for an operation on his brain.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
I've been wearing glasses since around the 6th grade, and I have to say, they never really bothered me. Certainly not in a fashion awareness way. Occasionally they can be annoying when I'm sweating and they keep sliding down my face, but I can deal with it.
I've never made a friendship bracelet in my life (nor a friend.) But now that I'm in my early thirties, I'm finally thinking of making some.
I'm assuming there are very few laws in Japan related to suing people who throw you naked into the snow when a camera is pointing at you.
Spray a common house fly with carbon monoxide and it will do virtually anything you ask it to do.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Sorry to post a myspace link again, but some of these songs are not available on the official site. This is a newish band from Champaign Illinois and may represent the beginning of a return to quality music in the midwest.
Unknown pranksters cause broken toes.
Specially commissioned painting of any animal as a zombie by Joe Havasy.
Silhouettes assembled from actual comic book pages by Esta Sketch.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Take eight pictures with just one click of the shutter release. This may seem like a waste of time to you. . .
No one like to take surveys, but this one is different. You will be disgusted by taking it. Don't be fooled by the first few questions. It gets bad fast.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Magician, entertainer and scholar Ricky Jay maintains a small audio archive of his short radio presentations on the history of the arcane and the bizarre.
Penn Jillette's daily radio show does occasionally touch on magic, but he's usually talking about libertarianism, freedom of speech, atheism, the free market, patriotism, and monkeys. I blatantly stole my Monkey Tuesday segment from his show.
Posted by
Christopher Clark
Labels: magic, monkey, movies, skepticism