045 - Religion - with Links!
Top British comedian explains how God created Adam and Eve. Another nail in Darwin's evolutionary coffin.
A fairly long article about the state of consumer culture in the American church. There's some oddly funny stuff in here even though it is pretty sad.
I was raised to think that animals don't get into heaven, so the pet situation was a scary one growing up. now I think I should create a business that offers to care for the pets of raptured christians. doesn't it seem like that could be really lucrative? like, they pay $200 now, and I agree to take care of their pets when I am left on earth to deal with the antichrist and that whatnot?
That business already exists. Take a look at the "unraptured pets" link in #5. It looks like a joke, but I'm sure there are people that think it is real.
You know I went to Catholic school K trough 8 and I never really heard about the rapture until those Left Behind books came out.
I also remeber going into the church a lot on super hot days because it was air conditioned, while the classrooms were not.
Actually I can't remember being taught much of anything about religion. I recall the story of Zachius who went up in a sycamore tree, but I could never really figure out the moral of that particular parable. The only other religious thing I can remember from grade school is actually pretty sacreligious. One of the nuns when talking about the story of Eden, suggested that the traslation of the original text was probably mistaken. She explained that the original words translated into "Adam" and "Eve" were meant to be "Man" and "Woman." Meaning the plural, Men and Women.
we sang a song about zacchaeus.
zacchaeus was a wee little man, as wee as he could be.
he climbed up in a sycamore tree to see what he could see.
and jesus said, "zacchaeus, you come down. for I am coming to your house for tea."
or something like that.
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