067 - with Links!
Photoset of tiny animals on the tips of fingers.
Rana Kane keeps a dream journal. That isn't really all that interesting. What is interesting is the number of dreams concerning video game characters and Knight Rider.
Photoset of tiny animals on the tips of fingers.
Rana Kane keeps a dream journal. That isn't really all that interesting. What is interesting is the number of dreams concerning video game characters and Knight Rider.
Labels: animals, celebrities, DIY, music, TV, video games
I feel honored. Seriously. Thank you for featuring me! :) And it's so true. So many of my dreams involve Knight Rider, Legacy of Kain, Devil May Cry, Star Trek: DS9, Dungeons & Dragons, etc. I guess I have an active imagination. Or a...sleeping one? :) Thanks again!
i hqven't had any michael knight dreams but factropolis has a suspect "fact" up today.
i've looked and haven't found this particular Empire mistake listed anywhere else.
maybe i'm just not using the right search criteria.
i even tried looking at the link to moviemistakes.com right from the factropolis post.
arch - that moviemistakes site that factropolis linked to is missing a lot of the content that used to be on there. I've been reading it for years, and it used to be better. i heard lucas arts threatened to sue them or something. i gave up on the site - i used to be a fan, but i gave up because their info is so incompleat.
and that mistake IS in empire, but you gotta loo closely to see it. invite a star wars nerd over for a screening and have him show it to you.
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