067 - with Links!
1. DIY Metal Detector |
Photoset of tiny animals on the tips of fingers.
3. Factropolis |
Rana Kane keeps a dream journal. That isn't really all that interesting. What is interesting is the number of dreams concerning video game characters and Knight Rider.
5. Freakout |
I feel honored. Seriously. Thank you for featuring me! :) And it's so true. So many of my dreams involve Knight Rider, Legacy of Kain, Devil May Cry, Star Trek: DS9, Dungeons & Dragons, etc. I guess I have an active imagination. Or a...sleeping one? :) Thanks again!
i hqven't had any michael knight dreams but factropolis has a suspect "fact" up today.
i've looked and haven't found this particular Empire mistake listed anywhere else.
maybe i'm just not using the right search criteria.
i even tried looking at the link to moviemistakes.com right from the factropolis post.
arch - that moviemistakes site that factropolis linked to is missing a lot of the content that used to be on there. I've been reading it for years, and it used to be better. i heard lucas arts threatened to sue them or something. i gave up on the site - i used to be a fan, but i gave up because their info is so incompleat.
and that mistake IS in empire, but you gotta loo closely to see it. invite a star wars nerd over for a screening and have him show it to you.
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