046 - with Links!
Next Thursday, go see Ferris Bueller's Day Off in the fictional town Schermer, Illinois. If you aren't in the Chicagoland area, check out some of the other screening of the Rolling Roadshow.
Next Thursday, go see Ferris Bueller's Day Off in the fictional town Schermer, Illinois. If you aren't in the Chicagoland area, check out some of the other screening of the Rolling Roadshow.
as ricky gervais would attest, horses were made by god - not musicians.
also, what's the veiled racism behind toynbee?
for some reason i really like that pic of the girl with the gun.
how was that shot? fisheye?
i'm just now catching up on a lot of this past weeks posts since i've been working.
tray amusing.
did you see that boing boing posted the mike mignola cartoon about a week after you did?
they should defer to you on what's cool on the web.
-Ricky Gervais uses sarcasm to stress a point which is actually opposite of the one he verbalizes.
-Apparently, some of the tiles have weird references to killing all Jew journalists.
-The lines on the wall behind her are straight so a fishlens is out. I'd guess it was just a lens with a deep depth of field.
-I don't look at Boing Boing. Should I?
-Did you realize that today's top five actually contained eleven links? Thats more than double the value.
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