Tuesday, August 15, 2006

056 - Monkey Tuesday

Magically Delicious 1. Magically Delicious
There are three awesome things here. (1) a monkey (2) a fez (3) a bowl that you can eat cereal out of. Imagine the excitement of finding this guy, and his hat, at the bottom of your Lucky Charms.

A rare clip from Saturday Night Live that isn't mind-numbingly boring. Features Janeane Garofalo when she was still interesting.

Jungle Gym 3. Jungle Gym
Get a little taste of what Tales from Broken-Neck might have been like if, instead of cowboys, it featured monkeys and marines.

I'll have to assume that I'm missing something in the translation because this "news" story from India just barely makes any sense.

Tree Monkey 5. Tree Monkey
Another weird, vaguely disturbing creation from stuffed artist Curster.


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