Monday, March 26, 2007

279 - with Links!

Vova Galchenko

1. Vova Galchenko
I've posted before about the Galchenkos. They are awe inspiring jugglers to be sure. On top of that they are super smart kids. Vova recently became a permanent legal resident of the United States. This can only be a good thing for our country. We need more rational thinkers. If they can also juggle five clubs behind their backs, well then, that's just a bonus.


2. Brick
The making of a lego brick.

Jay Ryan

3. Jay Ryan
I love Dianogah. Even more than that, I love Jay Ryan's awesome screen printed rock show posters.


4. Wavy
I'm sure you've seen this already. It was all over the internet a while ago. Still it is pretty cool and I wanted to look at it again, so here it is: The Folding Chair.

Digital Bird Watching

5. Digital Bird Watching
A very specific number of this site's visitors should know about this innovative use of the ipod for aid in the bird watching process. You probably know about it already, though.


1 comment:

JD said...

it's two, isn't it?